Hey there!

I’m McKenna, a writer, editor, and storyteller based in the Pacific Northwest. I specialize in bringing people-centered stories to life and editing digital content for platforms including blogs, websites, newsletters, and more.

I’m also a mom. When my daughter was born in 2022, I decided to leave my day job behind to stay home during her first few years of life. As I navigate motherhood, I'm determined to continue creating compelling content that helps others feel connected to each other and the environment we share. 

Over the  last decade, I've worked in both corporate and nonprofit settings. I’ve written about people, problems, and products. I’m passionate about preserving nature, debating the Oxford comma, and finding just the right combination of words to convey a point. Most of all, I believe in using words to create meaningful messages that inspire change. 

Email me and let’s create something impactful together.


  • Nearly a decade of experience working in content editing, content managementlong- and short-form storytelling, corporate communications, and internal communications.
    • Focus areas included sustainability and human resources.
  • Includes nearly three years working in nonprofit communications and visual storytelling.
    • Primary focus on philanthropy and healthcare.
  • Bachelor's degree in communication with a concentration in journalism from the University of Washington (2014). 
  • Two certifications focused on storytelling and editing from the UW Professional and Continuing Education department:
    • Certificate in Storytelling and Content Strategy (2020)
    • Certificate in Editing  (2019)